Sap Basis Security Tcodes

  • A tcode is broken into Authorizations, which tell what (Display/Change) =. The tcode can do. You are actually asking for critical authorizations, which vary from =. Company to company.=20. Start with SU99 where you will find the base list of what SAP considers =.
  • SAP CRM allows role assignment in two basic ways, indirectly through Business Roles in PPOMACRM or directly through security roles assigned to user masters in SU01. Indirecty role assignment is recommended by SAP as for large organisations with many CRM users and business roles it can lead to significant reduction in maintenance effort.
  • Complete List of SAP Basis TCode. Skip to end of metadata. Created by Former Member on Feb 21, 2011; Go to start of metadata. User Administration; Central User.

In this article,I am going to cover SAP SYSTEM MONITORING Tcodes , For any Basis Admin, daily sap system monitoring check is essential task.We daily do health check of our production sap system.

SAP daily system monitoring helps in two way-

SAP SYSTEM MONITORING TCODES. In this article,I am going to cover SAP SYSTEM MONITORING Tcodes, For any Basis Admin, daily sap system monitoring check is essential task.We daily do health check of our production sap system. SAP daily system monitoring helps in two way. Preventive Health check – This health check helps to prevent issue that may happen in near future. Suppose in our daily SAP System monitoring,we catch our database size is 99% full that means anytime in future DB.

Sap Tcode Cji3

Preventive Health check– This health check helps to prevent issue that may happen in near future. e.g. suppose in our daily SAP System monitoring,we catch our database size is 99 % full that means anytime in future DB size will be full and it’ll lead production outage.

Regular health check– This is regular health check which helps us for solving daily system issues. e.g We find most of the work processes in SM50 is in PRIV/Stopped mode or some user is taking all system resources/memory.This issue can be solved immediately — Killing that user session and release memory.

I have summarized below SAP SYSTEM Monitoring Tcodes ,Which are used in daily system monitoring and what we check in that Tcode.

Sap Tcode Se16n


What to Monitor ?

SM51Check that all application servers are up
AL08Review for unknown or different user ID and terminal.
Take a look at the user distribution on servers
SM12Lock Entry List
Check for locks older than one day. Analyze
SM13Update Records Check all updates with status error ,Update should be active.
SM21Check System Log
Check for: Errors
ST22ABAP Dump Analysis
Look for an excessive number of dumps Look for dumps of an unusual nature
SM37Select Background jobs
Review any cancelled or long running job
ST02Check Swaps in status RED
ST06Check CPU and Memory Utilization
ST03Workload: Analysis of <sid> ,Check for any performance issue ,Bad transactions taking high response time.
SMQ1 Check no. of queue entries, deregister and register queues ,High no of stuck message
SMQ2Check no. of queue entries, deregister and register queues ,High no of stuck message
SOSTCheck failed Emails and Faxes and analyze
SM58 Check failed TRFCs and analyze
DB01Analyze Exclusive Lockwaits
Opens Diagnostics: Locks: Blocked Transactions in DBA Cockpit.
DB02Tables and Indexes Monitor
Opens Diagnostics: Missing Tables and Indexes in DBA Cockpit.
DB50SAP DB Assistant
Opens Current Status: Overview in DBA Cockpit.
DB13CCentral DBA Planning Calendar
Opens Jobs: Central Calendar in DBA Cockpit.
DB26DB Profile: Monitor and Configuration
Opens Configuration: INI Files in DBA Cockpit.
DB12DBA Backup Logs
Opens Diagnostics: Backup Catalog in DBA Cockpit

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