Active And Passive Voice In Hindi Pdf

For sentences in the active voice, the subject performs the action; for those in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. Most grammarians recommend using the active voice whenever possible. Here are some examples to help you distinguish between the voices:

  1. Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf
  2. Active Passive Voice Notes In Hindi Pdf
  3. Active And Passive Voice In Hindi Pdf Free
  1. Active and Passive Voice Pdf Documents and Notes. Active and Passive Voice Pdf. Jul 02, 2018 Some sentences can be written in two forms- Active Voice and Passive Voice. In Active Voice Sentence We have focus on subject towards a action. Active: He teaches me Hindi. Candidates can download rules for converting Active voice into Passive Voice In.
  2. Verbs are either active or passive in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a do-er. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is not a do-er. It is shown with by + do-er or is not shown in the sentence. Passive voice is used when the action is the focus, not the subject.

Active and passive Other Video with Helping verb:- -.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 11 English Chapter wise.

Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 11 With Answers CBSE Pdf

Below you can see a set of instructions for making chapattis. Complete the following paragraph which describes how chapattis are made. The first one has been done as an example.

Active and passive voice in hindi pdf download

Add salt to half a pound of coarse flour.
Rub an ounce of ghee into the mixture.
Form soft dough using cold water.
Cover mixture and leave to stand for one hour.
knead dough and divide into balls.

Roll each ball to make a flat cake.
Wipe griddle with a greased cloth.
Heat griddle on slow fire.
Place chapatti on the griddle.
Turn occasionally until slightly brown.

Salt is added to half a pound of coarse flour and an ounce of ghee is rubbed into the mixture, (a) ……………. using cold water. The mixture is covered and (b) ……………. for an hour. The dough is kneaded and divided into balls. Then (c) ……………… to make a flat cake. A griddle (d) …………… and then heated on a slow fire. (e) ……………… and turned occasionally until it is slightly brown.

Active And Passive Voice In Hindi PdfEnglish grammar active and passive voice rules in hindi pdf

(a) A soft dough is formed
(b) left
(c) each ball is rolled
(d) is wiped with a greased cloth
(e) The chapatti is placed on the griddle

Voice refers to the form of a verb that indicates whether the doer of the action in a sentence is the subject or the object.

Change of voice involves three major changes:

  1. It changes the functions of the subject and the object.
  2. It changes the position of the subject and the object.
  3. It changes the form of the verb.


  • The meaning of the sentence remains unchanged.
  • The tense of the verb remains unchanged.
  • The passive voice is used when the agent or doer is unknown or obvious.
  • The passive voice is used in journalistic, scientific, or legal writing.
Active VoiceExample
The active voice is more direct than the passive. Sentences in the active voice are generally clearer and more direct than those in the passive voice.The boy flies a kite.
The subject (the boy) + an active verb (flies) + an object (a kite).
Passive VoiceExample
The passive voice calls attention to the receiver of the action rather than the performer.The kite was flown by the boy.
The subject (the kite) + passive verb (was flown) + by + the object (the boy).
The passive voice points out the receiver of the action when the performer is unknown or unimportant.The signs will be posted.
It avoids calling attention to the performer of the action (known as the ‘institutional passive’).The fines will be collected on Monday.

Changing Active Voice To Passive Voice

Active VoicePassive Voice
He flies a kite.A kite is flown by him.
He is flying a kite.A kite is being flown by him.
He has flown a kite.A kite has been flown by him.
He flew a kite.A kite was flown by him.
He was flying a kite.A kite was being flown by him.
He had flown a kite.A kite had been flown by him.
He will fly a kite.A kite will be flown by him.
Active And Passive Voice In Hindi Pdf

Complete the following newspaper report by filling up the blanks with the passive voice.

Inter-School Music Competition

Delhi: 23 October 20XX

An Inter-school Music Competition (a) ………………………. (hold) at Bhartiya Public School, Ashok Nagar, Delhi, yesterday. More than thirty schools from all over the National Capital Region participated in the program. Ankur Gupta and Sheeba Varghese from our school (b) ………………………. (adjudge) the Best Singers in the ‘Bhajan’ category. The group song of our school (c) ………………………. (award) the second prize. Our school (d) ………………………. (award) the trophy for the overall best performance.
(a) was held
(b) adjudged
(c) was awarded
(d) was awarded

Complete the following newspaper report by filling up the blanks with the passive voice.

A Kalkaji businessman ………………………. (rob) of 1 lakh rupees in the Kalkaji area of South Delhi last night. Police sources said that when Rajender, a wholesale dealer, headed for the parking lot after closing his shop in Kalkaji market, his bag containing the money ………………………. (snatch) by a youth in his early twenties. The youth fled in a Maruti car parked just a few yards away from the spot. A robbery case ………………………. (register) by the Kalkaji police and a manhunt ………………………. (launch) to nab the culprit.
(a) was robbed
(b) was snatched
(c) was rejected
(d) was launched

Given here is a set of instructions for making Rotis. Use these to complete the paragraph which describes how rotis are made.

Active passive voice rules chart in hindi pdf download
  • Add salt to half a pound of coarse flour.
  • Rub an ounce of ghee into the mixture.
  • Form soft dough using cold water.
  • Cover mixture and leave to stand for one hour.
  • Knead the dough and divide it into balls.
  • Roll each ball to make a flat cake.
  • Wipe griddle with a greased cloth.
  • Heat the griddle on slow fire. Place the roti on the griddle.
  • Turn occasionally until slightly brown.

Salt is added to half a pound of coarse flour and (a) ………………………. into the mixture. (b) ………………………. to form a soft dough. The mixture is covered and (c) ………………………. for one hour. The dough is kneaded and divided into balls. Then (d) ………………………. to make a flat cake. A griddle (e) ………………………. then heated on a slow fire. (f) ………………………. and turned occasionally until it is slightly brown.
(a) an ounce of ghee is rubbed
(b) use water
(c) left to stand
(d) they are rolled in order
(e) is wiped with greased oil
(f) The roti is placed on the griddle

23. Given here is a set of instructions for making banana milk. Use these to complete the paragraph which describes how the drink is made.

  • six bananas
  • crush them into pulp
  • boil half a litre of milk
  • add banana pulp and sugar
  • stir for two minutes and then remove from heat.

Six bananas are crushed into a pulp. Half a litre of milk (a) ………………………. and banana pulp and sugar (b) ………………………. to it. The mixture (c) ………………………. and then (d) ………………………. from the heat.
(a) is boiled
(b) is added
(c) is stirred for two minutes
(d) removed

Read the headlines and complete the news items given below.

(a) Political turmoil will rock Pak: CIA
A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ………………………. and sporadic violence, with the military continuing to remain involved in the country’s politics.

(b) Srinagar passport Office encounter ends; 2 CRPF personnel among 4 killed
Security forces on Sunday ………………………. both the militants of Al Mansoorian, who stormed the passport Office in Srinagar, ending the nearly 26 – hour gun battle in which two CRPF personnel ………………………. and five injured.

(c) Nepal Maoists free kidnapped Indian soldiers
Maoists on Sunday released all 14 Gorkha Regiment soldiers of the Indian Army, ………………………. two days ago from Chuha village in Kailali district in far – west Nepal, according to Indian Embassy sources.

(d) Car thieves gang busted
The Delhi Police today ………………………. by arresting four-car lifters and seizing three cars from them.

(e) Most tribes in Nicobar safe
The Centre, which began special focus on rescue and relief operations, ………………………., even as it said aerial surveys were continuing to trace the missing persons there.

People who can use passive voice appropriately are considered to have a good level of English. Go through the article to learn about the correct usage of passive voice.
Difference in Active and Passive voice



A sentence starts with a subject
Workers do the work.

Subject Object

A sentence starts with an object.
The work is done by workers.

Rules for changing Active to Passive Voice

Subject is changed as per the following rule























General rule used to make passive voice

Object + To be + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject

‘To be’ varies according to the tense and rest of the rule remains the same.
Present Indefinite

The forms of ‘To be’ – is/am/are

Object + is/am/are + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Active – He plays football.
Passive– Football is passed by him.
Active– I teach English.
Passive – English is taught by me.

Past Indefinite

The forms of ‘To be’ – was/ were
So rule would be modified as

Object + was/were + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Active – Her Teacher punished her.
Passive– She was punished by her teacher.
Perfect Tenses (Present, Past & Future)

The form of ‘To be’ – been

Object + been + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Present Perfect:

Active – He has written a letter.
PASSIVE – A Letter has been written by him.
Past Perfect:

Active – They had already watched the movie.
Passive– The movie had already been watched by them.
Future Perfect:

Active – The children will have seen the show.
Passive– The show will have been seen by the children.

Continuous Tense

The form of ‘To be’ – being

Object + being + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject

Present Continuous:

Active – He is eating ice cream.
Passive– Ice cream is being eaten by him.

Past Continuous:

Active – They were watching the movie.
Passive– The movie was being watched by them.
NOTE: Passive voice of Future Continuous and Perfect Continuous Tenses is not possible.

MODALS (can, should etc.) and Future Indefinite

The form of ‘To be’ – be

Object + be + Past Participle of Verb + by Subject


Active – Government should ban smoking
Passive– Smoking should be banned by the government.
Active –I will finish the job tomorrow.
Passive– The job will be finished by me tomorrow.


So, changing Active Voice into Passive requires two steps:

Identify type of tense used in Active Voice

Apply the corresponding rule.



Present Indefinite


Past Indefinite


Perfect (Present, Perfect, Future)


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Modals and Future Indefinite

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Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

He likes coffee.

I received a parcel.

You will never forget this lesson.

They have brought a gift for you.

They had prepared the dinner before we arrived.

She will have taken the test.

She is doing the cooking.

They were giving a performance.

They should hire professionals.


Coffee is liked by him. (Present Indefinite)

Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf

A parcel was received by me. (Past Indefinite)

This lesson will never be forgotten by you. (Future Indefinite)

A gift has been brought to you by them. (Present Perfect)

The dinner had been prepared before we arrived. (Past Perfect)

The test will have been taken by her. (Future Perfect)

Active Passive Voice Notes In Hindi Pdf

The cooking is being done by her. (Present continuous)

A performance was being given by them. (Past Continuous)

Active And Passive Voice In Hindi Pdf Free

Professionals should be hired by them. (Modals)