Adobe Audition Change Duration

Learn the basic setup and proper use of multitrack sessions. Contributor: Jeff Sengstack. Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition; Importing with the Files panel; Extracting audio from CDs; Supported import formats; Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition; Recording audio; Monitoring recording and playback levels; Editing audio files. Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel; Generating text-to. Solved: I created a multitrack session, but when I tried to export out of it, I got a 25 GB file that was almost 2 hours long, even though the actual sound - 9401354. Let us know how you use Audition & what you want to learn about Adobe Audition. We're here to help. In this video, you will learn how to increase the duration of the timeline in a Multitrack environment. 0:13 - 30 seconds maximum. In this video tutorial, I show you how to easily slow down and speed up audio clips within Adobe Audition.Everything I do online is hosted by Bluehost.

So this is a simple guide on how to get started with adobe audition. I’ll be going over how to import you files, using waveform and multitrack as well as exporting your file ready for use!

  1. When first opening Adobe you should see a screen like this:
Adobe audition change song length

On the top left section you can see it has two options waveform and multitrack. Wave form if for your individual audio files, this is were you can edit them properly and ensure the audios ok. Once you’ve done this you simply click multitrack and drag your audio files over onto the slots available (i’ll show this in more depth soon).

2. So when you import your audio you need to go to file – import – file. This will take you to your documents, find the file/ files you want and press ok. they should appear on the screen like this:

3. When you click on each individual file on the right hand side you’ll see your ‘wave’ and this is were you can edit. (i’ll show a few ways of editing your audio in another guide)

Adobe Audition Change Duration Video

4. So once you’ve edited your audio you want to put it into multi track when you click multi track it’ll ask you a few questions, I tend not to change anything other than the name of the session and were I want it to be saved. Press ok, and you’ll get this:

Download beyond compare tool for windows 10 32-bit. You can see that your audio files are still on the left hand side so all you have to do it drag it in the different slots you can see here. You can drag them all onto the same slot, but I tend to use 2 or 3 different once as one, it makes it more organised and clear, it also gives you more control.

Remember, if your using a few different slots, not to put one underneath the other, as the audio files will play at the same time, remember it’s a sequence and so as one ends the next begins. Like this:

4. So once you’ve created your audio and are happy with it, you’ll need to save it. If you go to file save as it will save as an adobe audition file. This will be unusable in anything other than audition. So to make the file available to upload to websites etc. you need to export it. This is simply doing this:

  • File – export – mix down – entire session

This will give you a screen like this:

Here you can change the name of your file, chose were it is saved and more importantly the format of your file. I most often use ‘mp3’ but you need to see what is relevant for your project.

Adobe Audition Change Duration Windows


Adobe Audition Change Multitrack Duration


Adobe Audition Change Duration Chrome

Once this is done your finished and your file will be saved in your chosen place. You can still go back an edit as long as you’ve also saved it as an adobe audition file, then complete the final steps again to export it.