Arcade Machine Emulator Android

MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other platforms. The intention is to preserve gaming history by preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten. 8/10 (118 votes) - Download Tiger Arcade Android Free. Tiger Arcade is a video game emulator for Android phones and tablets. With the latter, we can bring back classics from arcade machines and video consoles. If you miss the games you used to play when you were a kid or you never managed to play.

HomeTutorials and GuidesHow to turn your Android into an arcade machine

Since our inception in 2000, we have created open mame arcade cabinets that support popular video game emulators such as MAME. MAME (an acronym of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade games in software on modern personal computers and other. As an emulator, MAME allows you to play games from many Capcom, Namco, Neo Geo, and Sega arcade systems, plus some older home consoles and personal computers.


God bless emulation and God bless Android devices. MAME serves as something of a cornerstone for retro gaming nostalgics and tends to be the first thing that comes to mind when we feel like reminiscing with classic titles. While its installation and configuration on desktop computers is very straightforward thanks to the number of frontends available, it can be a rather trickier process on smartphones or tablets, particularly if you’re trying to connect a gamepad or external control. Here we’re going to broadly outline how to turn your smartphone or tablet into a small arcade machine. (No, really!)

Software: MAME4Droid

There are two ‘official’ versions of MAME for Android, although it’s actually a port of the iOS version of iMAME4All, MAMED4Droid. (Yes, this is a port of a port; welcome to the world of emulation.) There are two main versions of this program, with the more current one supporting a more modern MAME romset (0.139 compared to 0.37), although it requires a more powerful machine as the emulation is not quite as optimized. Be that as it may, the way both work and are set up is practically identical.

Arcade Machine Emulator Android

Once one of them is installed, you’ll need to search for the game ROMs, and they must be compatible with the version of MAME you’ve downloaded. The default folder to copy them to your device will be /ROMs/MAME4Droid/, although in most cases you’ll have to restart the device after installing the app for the folder to be generated in your file system. Although it’s possible to copy them directly with an Android file manager, it’s more advisable to connect your phone to a desktop computer by cable and make the changes there.

Once the files are copied and the app is restarted (note that if you just minimize the app it will keep running in the background; you have to specifically select the Exit option), you’ll see the games on the program’s main menu. Careful here, as you need to be faithful to the name the ROMs came with, and obviously don’t unzip the files into the folder, you have to leave them as they are.

Arcade 32 Emulator

MAME4Droid auto-detects your device’s orientation and places the controls differently depending on whether it’s vertical or horizontal, although all this can be modified from the Settings menu. Using the virtual crosspad, select the game you want to launch from the list and press the X button. If when you do so an error message appears saying that files are missing from the ROM, you might have downloaded a bad version, and will have to keep refining your search or testing other download links for the game in question. Obviously, any matters related to the legality of using each ROM falls outside the scope of this post, but experienced gamers should already know what’s up in that department.

Hardware: External control system

Now for the fun part: tinkering. Practically any device that can run Android 4.0 or higher will correctly detect any external peripherals connected via MicroUSB port, Bluetooth, or WiFi. You’ll likely get more play out of the first of those three options, as all you need is a MicroUSB-to-USB adapter to connect all sorts of controllers originally designed for proper consoles. In other words, you can for example connect a USB gamepad for Xbox 360 as we’ve explained in prior posts. But let’s be ambitious here: What if we set up our own arcade machine using a tablet?

There are many arcade joysticks you can connect to your smartphone or tablet on the market, some at very accessible prices. In fact, if you connect one of these, it will be auto-detected by your Android and you can even move around on your home screen and the operating system’s menus using the joystick. That said, for it to work properly on MAME you’ll need to map the controls so you don’t have to touch your screen at any time, allowing you to ‘add coins’ or access the main menu right from the periphery itself.

To do so, you’ll need to go to Option > Settings > Input > Define Keys, where you can configure the controls for up to four players. That done, you’ll have full control over the emulator from your joystick or gamepad. Now you just have to take the next logical step: removing the virtual controls from the screen.

Arcade Machine Emulator Android Pc

From Option > Settings you’ll see that the settings options are repeated in two sections, one for vertical screen position and another for horizontal. In both cases there is a tickbox called ‘Touch controller visible’, which you can untick to remove any virtual buttons from the screen. Careful, though! If you haven’t mapped the controls yet and you get rid of the screen buttons, you’ll have to work blind to find the Coin, Exit, Option, and Start options.

But there remains an important detail to keep in mind, which is that if you connect the control system to the MiniUSB port, there won’t be any way for you to plug the device into a power supply. The best way to solve this problem is by placing a USB hub between the MicroUSB adaptor and the control itself so that there’s a free port to connect to power. Here’s a short video with the result of connecting a Nexus 10 tablet to a cheap but operative Elecom arcade stick.

Arcade Machine Emulator Android

Now the crazy part: Your very own arcade machine

As you’ll see in one of the images above, with an arcade stick and a tablet you can set up a small arcade machine at home. But if you’ve gotten this far, nothing’s to stop you from creating your own mini-bartop machine. There are many sites that offer these apparatus at modest prices. Here in Spain, for instance, sells small custom arcade machines that (optionally) house a tablet connected to an arcade stick and buttons.

Even with all that, if you’re brave and handy enough, you can set out to build a physical arcade machine. Once you get to this point, you just have to have a look around the web to find a schematic you like or directly start sketching one yourself. Just like with the aforementioned bartops, how it turns out will depend on how eager you are to dig into the subject: edging the wood, molding the surface of the table glass, or creating vinyls to stick to the surface. A good starting point could be the now-defunct forum at, where hundreds of related schematics and tutorials are still stored.

Online Arcade Emulator

The Android itself will provide the external connectors you need. You can connect speakers to the audio jack to integrate into the machine and get more sound output, although if you want to avoid too much extra noise you could always turn to a pair of USB speakers with an external power supply. The USB hub should help you with this. Likewise, if your tablet has a MicroHDMI jack you can connect a good monitor to put together a proper arcade cabinet, although for those purposes you might be better off finding yourself a Raspberry Pi or directly setting up the arcade machine’s ‘insides’ on a desktop computer. In terms of controls, you can use an arcade stick as the easy route or buy the buttons and lever separately and set yourself to peeling cables. Many use the skeleton of an old USB gamepad to connect without buying a Pac or related gizmo. No one said it was going to be easy!

In any case, MAME is just the tip of the iceberg of everything that can be installed on your Android. We’ve already talked here about RetroArch, an all-in-one that includes most emulators for Android integrated into a single app and accessible via a unified menu system that fits both 8- and 16-bit machines like Nintendo 64 or the first PlayStation, whose performance depends on the power of your device itself. So now that we’ve made it this far… anybody fancy a good session of tinkering?

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator Para Android

The slipping of release dates is nothing new in software development; it can, and does, happen with some frequency, for a whole assortment of reasons. That said, with an aim towards increasing the transparency with which the MAME team operates, we have taken the unprecedented step of announcing it, and issuing a (hopefully) reasonable explanation as to why.

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulador Descargar Para Android

The simple, and non-technical, reason for this decision is that the overall stability of the codebase, after some major changes under the hood in order to rectify technical debt after the release of MAME 0.226, is not where we would like it to be. As with many projects, we have a boilerplate set of tests which are run on a regular basis. When any major change to the core codebase occurs, there is the chance for instability – for reasons which will be clear in the more technical description to follow, the change was downright guaranteed to cause issues, despite the overall benefits once these issues are rectified. The metrics that have come from those tests indicate that the rate at which we are burning through regressions is not such that we can be reasonably assured of having a stable build by the time that it is necessary to have one to maintain a monthly release cadence.