Error ORA-00900 occurs when the user tries to execute a statement that is not a valid SQL statement. This error occurs if the Procedural Option is not installed and a SQL statement is issued that requires this option. Users have several options in resolving error ORA-00900.
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- Your trusted resource for learning new technologies. We've been providing tutorials, references, and step-by-step instructions since 2003. is.
- The ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement message went away after I switched my program parameters to point to the correct database: o My frustration with the 'SAS/Access for Oracle' product still stands.
- ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement Here is the import statement: impdp sys/.@ccpsp schemas=ccpspstaging directory=dmpdir DUMPFILE=CCPSPUSERCCPSPSTAGINGSCHEMABACKUP07MAY2010.dmp LOGFILE=IMPDPCCPSPStagingSchemaImport.log.
Learn SQL with our step-by-step tutorial and references. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the standard relational language that is supported by just about every database product. All database professionals should know how to write, troubleshoot, and optimize SQL.
Ora-00900 Invalid Sql Statement Execute Immediate
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Ora-00900 Invalid Sql Statement Insert
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